RDEC scheme

What is the RDEC scheme?

The Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) scheme was introduced for large companies on 1 April 2013. From the 1 January 2018 the RDEC rate was 12%. This was increased to a rate of 13% from 1 April 2020.

It is given as a taxable credit on the amount of qualifying R&D expenditure payable as cash or as an offset against the company’s corporation tax liabilities. Therefore this rate applies whether your company is making a profit or a loss. A company can claim RDEC going back two full financial years.

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How can you benefit from the RDEC rate?

You are classed as a large company for the purposes of R&D tax incentives if you employ more than 500 staff or you have a turnover of more than €100 million and more than €86 million in gross assets. The R&D tax credit rate for RDEC means that large companies could get over 10% of their R&D spending refunded.

For tax purposes R&D does not necessarily mean blue-sky research which is a common misconception that can prevent companies from receiving the benefits from HMRC that they are entitled to. RDEC allows the benefit of R&D to be accounted for within the Profit and Loss (P&L) account, above profit before tax, rather than only through the tax account. So, under the RDEC scheme, large companies who are loss making are now able to benefit from their development efforts for the first time, by way of an immediate net of tax cash credit.

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Our one and only goal is to get you the maximum benefit you deserve for innovating in the UK. When you meet our specialist, it will feel like you’re talking to a colleague rather than your advisor.


We don’t start with your balance sheet. We start by walking the floors and understanding the things you do and the things you make.


There is no conflict of interest. As this is all we do our advice will never conflict with other tax or audit advice you receive.


You are paying for our expertise (not to support a large corporate infrastructure). Experience tells us that when other firms prepare a claim that they leave some of the value off the table. Even the biggest names.


On average, we see an uplift of 200% over what companies have claimed themselves or using another adviser.


We are not the Big 4, and we are proud of it. We are the challenger and the better pair of hands. Innovation is about pushing the boundaries and embracing uncertainty to gain advancement.


SWIFT average customer claim


Highest SWIFT claim

£18 million

Total value of SWIFT claims