Food and drink
Research and development is used regularly across the food and drink sector who progress through responding to consumer trends, dietary requirements and changes in safety and hygiene standards. This could be applicable to both human and pet consumables.
Examples of eligible R&D activities include:
- Developing new products or processes of manufacturing or growing food
- Testing products to meet safety requirements and hygiene requirements
- Improving efficiency and production methods to combat competition from overseas
- Developing innovative food and drink packaging that protects the products
- Producing products that aim to enhance consumer health, such as improving the immune system
- Improving energy efficiency and waste management
Case study
Fruit Growers
A Hampshire-based specialist fruit grower has received £168,000 through their first ever R&D Tax Credits claim. The business grows, packs and distributes all fruits to supermarkets across the country. They carry out research and development methods for growing fruit under protection from the weather which also results in better working conditions for staff.
Research and development, such as trial areas for growing the fruits, is vital for responding to customer requirements including the supply of a variety of fruits throughout the year. The fruit growers also established a conservation plan in partnership with the RSPB to enhance natural biodiversity and monitor the local wildlife.